How we communicate with you

At the start of the school year, The Winston Knolls School will hold a “Meet the Teacher” Open House for students and their families. This will be a time for staff members to introduce themselves to parents. It will also provide a time for students and their families to tour the school and meet classmates.

At the end of each day, a Daily Note Home will be provided for each child. This note will address the basic activities the child participated in each day, as well as accomplishments and challenges that occurred throughout the day.

Teachers will schedule two (2) phone calls per month with parents to discuss progress on their child’s goals. Email communication is common for parents, teachers, and related services staff to discuss any immediate updates.

Report of Student Progress

All students will have their academic courses entered into the Student Information System via the ISBE website. Elementary and middle school students will be assigned courses according to their grade levels in the following areas: Reading, Spelling, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Physical Education. Academic updates will be completed at the end of each semester, based on the child’s academic and cognitive ability. For some students, this report will look similar to a general education report card, and for other students, this will be a pass/fail report.

Additional progress reports based on student IEP goals and objectives are sent to parents and home districts on a quarterly basis, based on the most recent Annual Review (every three months following implementation of goals). Data collected includes, but is not limited to, progress towards annual goals and objective benchmarks and behavior intervention plans. Data collection methods include, but are not limited to, percent correct, frequency count, duration, rate, and cold probe data.